Dizziness, poor focus and numb lips

Worried? Pain in neck, tingling on face,.
11.01.2012 · Best Answer: First off, you need to talk to a doctor. ASAP. SLD, you are a mess, you need help. You need to rule out the numbness, and coldness, and chest
I am a 32yo female. In the last year or so I've noticed a very strange reaction I've been having. Seemingly out of nowhere, I will get extremely light-headed to the
Sleep Disorders Forum - Numb Arms When.
Dizziness, poor focus and numb lips
Brain & Nervous System Disorders Board.Facial numbness, dizziness, and anxiety.
Hi. FOr ages I have been complaining about dizziness and a pins and needles feeling in my left cheek. (by ages, since 2003) I have been sent for ultrasound of coratid
Health related message boards offering discussions of numerous health topics including allergies, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, exercise, attention deficit
Lower Lip Numb
Dizziness, poor focus and numb lips
Numb Lips AlcoholLips Become Numb Chest pain, Dizziness, Numb left hand,.